Reverberaciones feministas
DOI: clave:
Analíticas feministas del poder, Mujeres y conflicto, Guerra contra el terrorismo, Metodología feministaResumen
En el discurso inaugural de la Conferencia Berkshire sobre Historia de las Mujeres, celebrada en la Universidad de Connecticut, Storrs, en junio de 2002, Joan Wallach Scott reflexiona sobre las analíticas feministas del poder y las aplica a una interpretación crítica de la crisis desatada por la guerra contra el terrorismo, la historia de las mujeres y el género y el conocimiento global y local –este último, tema central de la conferencia. Con el concepto de reverberaciones–ecos de sucesos, teorías, estrategias, etc., que viajan en el espacio y en el tiempo y que producen efectos– la autora da unidad a su reflexión sobre temáticas tan dispares.
Abu–Lughod, L. (2002). Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others. American Anthropologist, 104 (3), 783–90.
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Dosse, F. (1997). History of Structuralism. Minneapolis, USA: University of Minnesota.
Engelstein, L. (2001). Culture, Culture Everywhere: Interpretations of Modern Russia, across the 1991 Divide. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 2 (2), 363–393.
Fowler, D.G. Letter to Stanley Pargellis. 18 Mar. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Fowler, D.G. Letter to Stanley Pargellis. 23 Mar. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Fowler, D.G. Letter to Stanley Pargellis. 22 Apr. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Gailani, F. (2002). 'Women in Afghanistan.' Comments. Commencement Forum. Brown University. 25 May.
Geertz, C. (2000). The World in Pieces: Culture and Politics at the End of the Century. In C. Geertz, Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics (pp.218–263). Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press.
Hughes, D. (1999). Women in Black against the War in Yugoslavia. Feminista!, 3 (1). Taken from:
Huntington, S. (1993). The Clash of Civilizations? Foreign Affairs, 72 (3), 22–28.
Kapoor, H. (2001). Women in Black Lay down in Front of Tanks in Ramallah. Online. 23 Sept. 2002.–list/2001–December/ 000982.html.
Kingston, T. (2001). FBI Casting Wide Net in Sept. 11 Attack Investigation. Online. 25 Apr. 2002.–archives/wib/wib–sf.htm.
Lewis, B. (2001). 'The Revolt of Islam', The New Yorker, New York, November 19. National Council of Women, Fiji Secretariat (2000). Women in Black Campaign, Fiji. Online. 25 Apr. 2002. http://
Nikolchina, M. (2002). The Seminar: Mode d'emploi. differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 13 (1), 96–127.
Nikolchina, M. (2002). Translating Gender: The Bulgarian Case. Unpublished work.
Pargellis, S. Letter to Dorothy Ganfield Fowler. 6 Mar. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Lib., Cambridge, Mass.
Pargellis, S. Letter to Dorothy Ganfield Fowler. 19 Mar. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Pargellis, S. Letter to Dorothy Ganfield Fowler. 27 Mar. 1942. Papers of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians. Radcliffe Institute Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Pargellis, S. (1944). The Quest for Political Unity in World History. Washington D.C., USA: United States Government Printing Office.
Rhem, K. Women's Rights a Priority: Humanitarian Aid Improves. Online. 25 Apr. 2002.
Riley, D. (2000). The Words of Selves: Identification, Solidarity, and Irony. Stanford, USA: Stanford University Press.
Scott, J.W. (2001). Fantasy Echo: History and the Construction of Identity. Critical Inquiry, 27 (2), 284–304.
Tsing, A. (1997). Transitions as Translations. In J.W. Scott, C. Kaplan y D. Deates (Eds.), Transitions, Environments, Translations: Feminism in International Politics (pp. 253–272). New York, USA: Routledge.
Women in Black, Australia Home Page. What Is Women in Black?. Online. 25 Apr. 2002.
Women in Black UK. Online. Women in Black. Online. 25 Apr. 2002. http://
Women in Black: An International Movement of Women for Peace Home Page.
Women in Black International. Unifem – Millenium Peace Prize 2001 Recipients Award Acceptance Speech. Online. 25 Apr. 2002.
World–Wide Women in Black Vigils. Contact Information. Coalition of Women for Peace. Online. 25 Apr. 2002.
Young, I. (2002). Masculinist Protection and Feminist Citizenship: A Critique of the Security Regime. Presented at the Conference on Women and Citizenship. Washington University. Unpublished.
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