About the Journal

Estudios Gerenciales (ISSN 0123-5923 // 2665-6744 online)

Editorial policy

Aim and scope

Estudios Gerenciales is the Ibero-American journal of management and economics focused primarily on the sub-thematic areas of organizational management, entrepreneurship, business innovation, marketing, accountancy, finance, strategy, international business and business economics. The journal’s primary objective is the dissemination of rigorous research and teaching cases related to these subject areas to further the study of the Ibero-American community and its current economic and administrative context. 
Estudios Gerenciales, through the publication of relevant high quality previously unpublished articles subject to a double-blind peer review process, is generally aimed at researchers, students, academics and professionals interested in the most recent research and analyses in economics and management in Ibero-America.

Articles can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese and, as editorial policy, the journal seeks a balance of articles by authors from different Ibero-American countries or other regions; therefore, an issue of the journal may include a maximum of 20% of articles authored by researchers-professors associated with Icesi University. However, in all cases, the articles will be subjected to the same evaluation process.

Structure of the journal

In Estudios Gerenciales we privilege the publication of intellectual production originating in scientific and technological research that foster research articles, literature reviews and case studies that follow a rigorous research methodology and generate significant contributions to knowledge in the above fields in the Ibero-American community.

The structure of the journal Estudios Gerenciales includes the publication of articles and a case study. The case study is defined as a “document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic review of literature on similar cases” (Colciencias definition). The purpose of including a case study is to provide analysis tools on various situations from the Latin American context which generate discussions based on the questions to be asked in each case.


Articles are the sole responsibility of their authors, and will not compromise Icesi’s University principles or policies nor those of the Editorial Board of the journal Estudios Gerenciales. Authors authorize and accept the transfer of all rights to the journal, both for its print and electronic publication. After an article is published, it may be reproduced without previous permission of the author or the journal but the author(s), year, title, volume, number, range of pages of the publication and DOI must be mentioned. In addition, Estudios Gerenciales must be mentioned as the source (please, refrain from using Revista Estudios Gerenciales).

Periodicity, distribution and electronic access

The journal has a quarterly periodicity. The journal is distributed through a database of subscribers, libraries and research centers in management and economics in Latin America and other countries. Additionally, it can be freely accessed (Open Access) through the journal’s website Estudios Gerenciales:

Other considerations

Estudios Gerenciales does not apply article processing charge and does not pay peer reviewers for evaluations.

In the process of revision of style, the journal reserves the right to make small adjustments to the titles of the articles, as well as minor corrections in the writing, in the translations, as well as in the abstracts; although the general policy that will be followed will be to consult the authors on these issues.

Estudios Gerenciales uses software to detect non-original content in the manuscripts. By submitting your manuscript to this journal you are also accessing any proof of originality to which your manuscript may have to submit during the peer review and production processes.

Estudios Gerenciales is a continuity of Publicaciones ICESI.

Estudios Gerenciales is a scientific journal sponsored and published by the Business School of the Universidad Icesi.


The journal Estudios Gerenciales is a publication of the Business School of the Universidad Icesi.

Journal history

Estudios Gerenciales is a continuity of Publicaciones ICESI. Publicaciones ICESI was born in 1984 as an initiative of the School of Business and Economics Studies at Icesi University. Fourteen years later, in 1998, its title was changed to the present one with ISSN 0123-5923. Since then, Estudios Gerenciales publishes four issues per year.

In 2002, the journal participated with 212 journals, in the national call to get into the national index, called Publindex. As a result, 62 journals filled the requirements and conditions imposed by Colciencias (The national institute for the sciences and technology development in Colombia). Estudios Gerenciales was one of these selected journals, being classified as C category.

The journal kept improving its quality by introducing authors and anonymous national and international reviewers. This allowed the journal to get into the next category in the national index, being classified as B category for 2006-2008 periods. Subsequently, increases in visibility and impact allowed it to reach category A2. Currently, given the new criteria of classification of Publindex -Colciencias, the journal is category B.

Recently, the journal has focused in visibility and international recognition criteria. To do so, it has been indexed in the most important national and international electronic databases in management and economics topics, as: EconLit, RedAlyC, EBSCO and RePEc. In 2007, the Journal was included in Scielo, an important Latin-American database, what allowed a higher recognition in this region. In this sense, the inclusion of the journal in Ulrich's and DOAJ electronic databases has generated a big visibility in European and North-American readers. 

Estudios Gerenciales uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival system.

Link to download the guide for authors