APA style

APA style for presenting bibliographic references

Bibliographic references will be included in the body text in two ways: as a narrative (only the year of publication, eg: family name (year) is enclosed in parentheses); and as a reference (the author’s family name and the year are enclosed in parentheses, example: (family name, year)). In cases of articles co-authored by more than two authors, the name of all of them must be expressed the first time, and then only the first one followed by “et al.”.

TAll references that are named in the body of the article must be included in the list of references. Likewise, all the references in the list must be named in the body of the document.

For references that have DOI, it must be included at the end of each one. The format is https://doi.org/10 .....

The list of references should be included at the end in alphabetical order, for which the following style must be taken into consideration:

  • Journal article

Family name, name’s initial(s) (year). Article title. Name of the journal, Volume (Number), range of pages. DOI.


Deery, S., Rayton, B., Walsh, J. y Kinnie, N. (2016). The Cost of Exhibiting Organzational Citizenship Behavior. Human Resource Management, 56(6), 1039-1049. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21815

  • Book

Family name, name’s initial(s) (year). Title (# Ed., Vol.). City of publication: publisher.


Prychitko, D. & Vanek, J. (1996). Producer cooperatives and labor manager Systems (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Edgar Elgar Publishing.

  • Chapter in edited book

Name of the author of the chapter. (year). Chapter title: In names of the editors of the book (Eds.), Title of the book (range of pages of the chapter in the book). City of publication: publisher.


Becattini, G. (1992). The Marshallian industrial district as socio-economic concept. In F. Pyke, G. Becattini and W. Sengenberger (Eds.), Industrial districts and small businesses (pp. 61-79). Madrid: Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

  • Unpublished contribution for a symposium

Family name, name’s initial(s) (year, month). Title of the paper or communication. In organizers’ name (Organizer/Chairman), name of the symposium. Symposium description, city, country.


Lichstein K.L., Johnson, R.S., Womack, T.D., Dean, J.E. & Childers, C.K. (1990, June). Relaxation therapy for polypharmacy use in elderly insomniacs and noninsomniacs. In T.L. Rosenthal (Chairman), Reducing medication in geriatric populations. Symposium held at the First International Congress Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Uppsala, Sweden.

  • Internet

Family name, name’s initial(s) (year). Title. Retrieved on day, month year from: website address.

Echevarria, J.J. (2004). The exchange rate in Colombia: impact and determinants in a global market. Retrieved on June 21, 2005, from: http://www.banrep.gov.co/documentos/presentacionesdiscursos/pdf/tasa.pdf