Emptied Bodies and Territories: What is the paradigm of difference? How is difference conceived?
Difference, Discrimination, Emptied Bodies, Emptied Territories, Afro–Colombian womenAbstract
This article presents a reflection on the paradigm of difference and its implications for everyday social relationships mediated through ethnic–racial, sexual, gender and class issues. It describes how some of the most strongly held beliefs of human beings take shape during the socialization process. Additionally, it proposes the concepts 'Emptied Bodies' and 'Emptied Territories' as analytical categories to discern the implications of imposing prejudices and stereotypes on realtionships, and to make explicit how the act of not thinking critically about difference entails the denial of others. In conclusion, it posits the argument that to conceive difference is to allow to live and let live, as long as these actions do not imply invalidating the existence of others.
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