Unveiling what is said in the colombian public health journals about race and ethnicity


  • Janeth Mosquera Becerra Universidad del Valle, Cali




Race, Ethnicity, Health, Public health


This article analyzes how in published studies (1994-2011) in the three main public health journals of Colombia are conceptualized, operationalized and interpreted racial and ethnic categories in relation to the black population. It was identified that are limited the number of published articles that address race or ethnicity; in addition, those notions are used interchangeably, and; it is not showed how is conceptualized and collected those social categories. Under the existence of structural racism, including ethno-racial categories in health research could help to identify processes and dynamics that create and recreate health disparities based on race and ethnicity.


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Author Biography

  • Janeth Mosquera Becerra, Universidad del Valle, Cali
    Máster en Trabajo Social y en Epidemiología, con doctorado en Sociología. Actualmente, es profesora e investigadora del Grupo de Epidemiología y Salud Poblacional (GESP) de la Escuela de Salud Pública en la Universidad del Valle. Es ex becaria Fulbright.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Becerra, J. (2015). Unveiling what is said in the colombian public health journals about race and ethnicity. Revista CS, (16), 109-129. https://doi.org/10.18046/recs.i16.1939