The proposals that perhaps Karl Popper had propelled facing the enemies the open society of nowadays: for the XXI century, the reformism




Karl Popper, Democracy, Reformism, Defence of the liberty, Gradual reform


During his complete work, the philosopher Karl Popper criticized in a strongly way the totalitarianism of the XX century, which was lived by him directly. We do not have any doubt that nowadays, he would speak with a louder tone in front of the other bad situation in politics which is observed in the horizon ad portas of the third decade of the new millennium, that is to say the fundamentalism. Although it is true, the Austrian philosopher attacks the political totalitarian regimes with the democracy, he is also a critic of it and at the same time, being a defender to the death of dialogue, he does not doubt in putting in front of the tyranny, the principles of tyrannicide.


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How to Cite

Estay Sepúlveda, J. G., & Lagomarsino Montoya, M. (2016). The proposals that perhaps Karl Popper had propelled facing the enemies the open society of nowadays: for the XXI century, the reformism. Revista CS, (20), 75-92.