Decoupling between social inequalities, income distribution and patterns of urbanization in Latin American cities. Reflections from the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (MRBA)
Urban fragmentation, Income distribution, Social inequalities, Latin American cities, Buenos AiresAbstract
Through the analysis of scientific literature on Latin American cities in recent decades, with a special emphasis on the development of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, this article reflects on a paradoxical scenario: while in the past decade many countries in the region have implemented policies that successfully have reduced (slightly) income inequality, the continued expansion of fragmented metropolitan areas not only increases inequality in access to the city and its goods, services and opportunities, but also consolidates -articulated with the segmentation of the educational system and the labor market- social networks and circuits segregated. Against this background the paper argues the hypothesis that the continuity of exclusive urbanization pattern limits the effects of redistributive policies and land use policy to impact on inequalities in the region becomes necessary.
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