Medicalization, disease mongering and female sexual dysfunction




Medicalization, Pharmaceuticalization, Disease mongering, Female sexual dysfunction.


The article proposes a critical reflection, if you want to subordinate, in front of the hegemonic discourse both in the field of health sciences as in the prevailing political-economic field, around the process of medicalization and Pharmaceuticalization in western societies, emphasizing what has been called «disease mongering», exemplified in the case of female sexual dysfunction. From the review and analysis of current scientific articles and sociological criticism, it is argued abaut the socio-historical contemporary process that has become a «pharmaceutical culture» as well as agents, devices and strategies that allow their production and reproduction. The issues problematized in the document have to do with the production of meaning and practices associated with the processes of health and disease, as well as its orientation and definition from the field of power established by the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical industry and its lucrative drug business.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Zuluaga Díaz , Universidad de Caldas, Manizales

    Sociólogo (Univalle), especialista en políticas culturales (Universidad de Barcelona), Magister en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesor del Departamento de Antropología y Sociología de la Universidad de Caldas.

  • Julio Cruz, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales

    Sociólogo y Licenciado en Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad de Caldas. Magister (c) en Estudios Políticos. Coinvestigador.

  • Margarita Meneses, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales

    Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad de Caldas. Auxiliar de investigación.


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How to Cite

Zuluaga Díaz , J. C., Cruz, J., & Meneses, M. (2018). Medicalization, disease mongering and female sexual dysfunction. Revista CS, (24), 41-66.