Economic Missions in Colombia and its Impact on Industrial Technical Education, 1930-1960
Industrial Development, Technical Education, International Economic RelationsAbstract
This article presents the contribution of some economic missions to the Colombian education between 1930 and 1960, which followed the guidelines given by the educational missions that simultaneously arrived to the country. The sources of this article are the official reports presented by the missions and the existing regulations supported by historiography, which allowed to determine the political and economic aspects of Colombia at different times. The Kemmerer (1923-1930), Currie (1949-1950), and Lebret (1954-1956) missions diagnosed the economic and social events of the country, and determined the conditions to undertake growth processes from the development of industrial technical education in its different levels, in order to comply with the requirements of external policies that promoted the development of Latin America, which encouraged the industrial technical training and the consolidation of the educational system in general.
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