Pedagogical Practices for Inclusion in Two Alternative Educational Models
Education, Pedagogical Practices, Dialogic Practices, Educational Inclusion, School InclusionAbstract
In the present study, the relationship between teaching practices and perceived levels of inclusion was explored for both teachers and students in two alternative pedagogical models. Constitutive elements of the models, that theoretically seem to favor inclusion, were measured through surveys of teachers and students, and correlation tests were carried out to verify their association with the perception of inclusion. The results show differences in the reports given by teachers and students. For teachers, the practices centered on the subjects, pertinent to the context and with community incidence in favor of social organization present higher inclusion scores than the dialogic-type practices, while, for the students, dialogic-type practices present higher scores. These results suggest that practices focused on promoting dialogue between individuals are more effective from the students’ perspective in terms of fostering inclusion in the classroom.
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