A Heuristic Review at the Results of the PISA Tests (2000-2018): The Reading Skills of 15-year-olds in Mexico
Reading Literacy, Cognitive Skills, Educational Practice, for International Student Assessment (PISA)Abstract
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical effects of generic reading skills acquired by fifteen-year-old students in Mexico. The reading results of the PISA 2000/2009/2018 tests are analyzed from a hermeneutical point of view, with the intention of identifying the level of complexity of the operations that students are more likely to perform. As an example, the responses obtained in two units that were made available to the public after the 2009 cycle are reviewed. The referred results express the reading skills acquired to locate and use the information contained in a text, as well as to interpret, reflect on, and criticize its content. Technical, methodological, and analytical elements are provided for the review of reading comprehension processes in classrooms.
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