Textiles that Count. Mended Affectivities: Replicated Corporalities and Their Textile Manifestation from Clothing as a Healing and Memory Device
Dress, Genealogy, Story, Memory, ArtAbstract
Textile is analized in this paper from the point of view of clothing as a way of projection and expansion of the body. Affections, memories, and stories lie in the clothing, which are narrated through textile processes: From confection to the many materials and techniques. In this sense, the yarn is a fiber that configures the narrative and projects mnemic aspects. The narrative is drawn from the clinical narrative and its relationship with textile processes, through which bridges of interaction between both areas are built. In the text, affective analogies associated with the manufacturing processes of the dresses and their relationship with the techniques used are shown (Spanish embroidery and fraying are mainly addressed). The dresses produced for this work are textile stories that narrate memories of their creator, drawn and blurred by means of thread and unraveling.
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