When not hearing becomes Unruly

navigating Ambiguity and Authenticity


  • Ana Carolina Palma García Institute of Developmet Studies




Unruly politics, Identity politics, Deafhood, Authenticity, Ambiguity


This article delves into the dynamic of ‘Deafhood’, to examine its disruptive potential to challenge traditional norms and negotiating complex identities in political settings. Drawing from khanna’s (2016) understanding of Ambiguity and Gilroy’s (1993) conceptualisation of Authenticity, this theoretical analysis aims to explore the tense interplay between personal positionalities and formal collective politics within Deaf communities’ resistance movements. By building on these theoretical foundations, this article seeks to shed light on how ‘Deafhood’ challenge existing power structures and norms by prefiguring new ways of existing as a deaf person. Moreover, this exploration hopes to contribute to our understanding of the intricate dynamics that shape the identities and actions of d/Deaf individual within larger sociopolitical frameworks.


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How to Cite

When not hearing becomes Unruly: navigating Ambiguity and Authenticity. (2025). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (21), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.18046/retf.i21.6375